Youda Legend: The Curse of the Amsterdam Diamond

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Upon arriving in Amsterdam you sense a mystery in the air! The dark influence of an old curse still haunts the city of Amsterdam, and it`s up to you to lift it! The mystery begins in your hotel room and will have you use your Hidden Object skills in famous locations, like the Rijksmuseum, the Flower Market and the Carré Theatre. Youda Legend: The Curse of the Amsterdam Diamond will take you through the city on a journey you`ll never forget! iPad: iPhone:


patriciapierre97 says:


Hanna says:

My mom was pregnant with me when John Lennon was kielld and on the 25th anniversary I was pregnant with my son. It was a beautiful thing to be carrying life and listening to “Imagine” all over the radio. The lessons I’ve learned from his legacy have been wonderful and i hope to keep learning 🙂

toosjacops says:


Praveen says:

Great minds think alike kid…I did my post on J.L. also. Well how could we not….Sadness still dwells in my heart thinikng about it. BBC America is doing a days worth of programming on him. I’ll sit in front of the telly today.

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