10 Days To Save the World: The Adventures of Diana Salinger

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http://www.bigfishgames.com/download-games/6320/10-days-save-world-adventures-diana-salinger/index.html You only have 10 Days to Save the World! Find the sec…


BigFishGames says:

We’ve redesigned our site to offer many, many more Mac Games! Yahoo!

funky0112 says:

big fish need to do some more mac games!!! PC games get loads so why can’t mac get the same :@

Lacy Antonio says:

Ok the graphics sucked….

The Cut Scenes were really drawn badly ‘
Puzzle Ok!

But the thing that gets me Ticked…is that you CANT save your game! You leave and you have to start ALL over again…Grrr…not a buy or finish playing!

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